University of the Balearic Islands
Systems, Robotics and Vision Group

Alberto Ortiz

Anselm Turmeda Bldg (Office 245)
Dept. of Mathematics and
Computer Science
University of the Balearic Islands

Cra. de Valldemossa, Km7.5
07122 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears, Spain
phone:+34 971 172980
fax:+34 971 173003

General research topics

  • Mobile Robotics
  • Computer Vision
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Machine Learning: Shallow and Deep

Recent research on

  • Visual Inspection
  • Defect Detection
  • Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAV)
  • Object Recognition

Funded Projects

IMABIA: Asistencia a procesos de inspección, monitorización e indentificación en el ámbito biosanitario mediante procesamiento de imágenes e inteligencia artificial
[English title: Assistance to inspection, monitoring and identification processes within a hospital environment by means of image processing and artificial intelligence]
Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme, Govern Balear, PROCOE/4/2017 (2017-2020)

ROBINS: Robotics Technology for Inspection of Ships
EU H2020 GA 779776 (2018-2020)

INCASS: Inspection CApabilities for enhanced Ship Safety
EU FP7 MOVE/FP7/605200/INCASS (2013-2017)

Sistema de seguimiento de micro-vehículos aéreos para evaluación de prestaciones en aplicaciones de inspección
[English title: Micro-Aerial Vehicles Tracking System for Performance Evaluation in Inspection Applications]
Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme, Govern Balear, AAEE 50/2015 (2016)

MINOAS: Marine InspectioN rObotic Assistant System
EU FP7 SCP8-GA-2009-233715 (2009-2012)

Desarrollo y test de estrategias de inspección y documentación visual automatizada de grandes estructuras mediante un vehículo aéreo autónomo 
[English title: Development and Test of Automated Techniques for Inspection and Visual Documentation of Large Structures by means of Aerial Vehicles]
Conselleria d’Innovació, Interior i Justícia, Govern Balear, AAEE 0108/09 (2009-2010)

PhD Thesis

New Segmentation and Edge Detection Methods Using Physics-Based Models of Image Formation

The physics-based vision paradigm is applied to the problem of segmenting an image. Both the table of contents (80.746 bytes) and the whole dissertation (9.175.897 bytes) can be downloaded. Some artifacts appear in images due to PDF compression, feel free to contact me in case you prefer an uncompressed version (146.207.125 bytes).