

That's me!

B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of the Balearic Islands.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of the Balearic Islands.

Since I joined the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DMI) of the UIB in 1992, I have have been a faculty member of the department, and have leaded and participated in several projects related with VLSI circuits design, fault-tolerant systems, image processing / computer vision, robotics, and pattern recognition / machine learning.

Currently, I am a Full Professor (CatedrĂ¡tico de Universidad) in the DMI, and I jointly lead the INTER (INTelligent Embedded systems and Robotics) research group (web page under construction), together with Julian Proenza. I am also member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the UIB (IAIB).

In general terms, my research interests comprise Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Computer Vision and Mobile Robotics.

Lately, I have been involved in research related with micro-aerial vehicles (MAVs), defect detection for visual inspection applications, object recognition and target tracking.

Google Scholar link:

The full list of publications of the research team (Lab. 145, Engineering School, Bldg. Anselm Turmeda) is available here.


24-02-2024New journal paper published in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
14-08-2023New journal paper published in Information Sciences.
23-07-2022New journal paper published in Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
24-06-2022New journal paper published in Computers in Industry.
13-01-2022New journal paper published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
21-12-2021New journal paper published in Autonomous Robots.
28-08-2021New journal paper published in Remote Sensing (Special Issue Robotics and AI for Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring).
01-05-2021New journal paper published in IEEE Access.
01-10-2020New journal paper published in Sensors (Special Issue UWB Sensors).
29-03-2020New book chapter published in Encyclopedia of Robotics.
06-09-2019New journal paper published in Ocean Engineering.
23-09-2018New journal paper published in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (RCIM).
23-06-2018New journal paper published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
14-03-2018New book published in Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) series.
29-12-2017New journal paper published in PLOS one.
17-08-2017New journal paper published in Ocean Engineering.
22-04-2017New journal paper published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
12-01-2017New journal paper published in Sensors (Special Issue Vision-Based Sensors in Field Robotics).
12-01-2017Website published.
12-01-2017Website developed.